I offer 2-3-day workshops on underglaze decoration: “The Magic of Underglaze Colors at Your Fingertips”
a week-long workshop: "Combining Form and Narrative: Create a Story with Clay and Color"

Hand-building techniques
Surface Decoration
Painting with Underglazes
I love teaching! And now, after becoming a full time artist, I have more time for teaching workshops.
I teach hands-on and online workshops as well!
If you are interested, please contact me so we can discuss details.
Usually, I give 3-7 days hands-on workshops, but I’m very flexible and can customize each workshop based on your needs.
"The Magic of Underglaze Colors at Your Fingertips”
It doesn’t matter if you make pottery or sculptural ceramics, you’re involved with low or high fire processes, have years of studio experience or have just started with clay, you will learn how to boost your ceramics with bright colors.
This hands-on workshop is designed to introduce you to painterly surface treatment as an alternative way to traditional glazing techniques. You will learn how to use underglazes, underglaze pencils and chalks to create multi-layered, colorful imagery.
You will practice painting on a simple tile before you move on to three-dimensional forms. Bring your favorite brushes, source images and eagerness to get bold with colors.
You don’t have to know how to paint or draw.

Approximate Outline of Activities:
Introduction; Power Point presentation with images of my work and introduction to the process, ideas, and influences;
lecture about underglazes, underglaze pencils, chalks and their use;
demonstration of underglaze applications on bisque and green-ware;
hands-on part: participants explore how to paint with underglazes on provided bisque tiles;
applying the techniques on their own work;
discussion about likes and dislikes, summary of the process; areas to improve upon;
List of supplies and materials participants need to bring:
bisque-fired pieces that can be used for underglaze decoration
(tiles, bowls, cups, anything that has enough surface for painting); -
small soft brushes of multiple sizes;
pencil, eraser, paper to do preliminary sketches, scissors, reference material for drawings;
small palette to mix colors, foam for supporting your pieces if necessary;
small container for water, paper towel;
I will provide:
AMACO Velvet Underglazes for all participants;
2-3 images of choice to use on tiles;
4x4” bisque tiles; and ceramic transfer paper;

"Form and Narrative: Create a Story with Clay and Color"
This course will cover two aspects of creating a ceramic sculpture: building and decorating. Participants will learn how to design and build an abstract figurative form using the coil building technique and how to transform the surface into a canvas for narrative underglaze painting.
We cover all the pros and cons of hand-building and address all the problems of the process. I’ll demonstrate how to use carving techniques to add nature-inspired elements to the surface and how to use underglazes to paint realistically rendered imagery to create a narrative.

Participants don’t need to know how to paint, but a basic understanding of the ceramic process is recommended.

Approximate Outline of Activities:
demonstration of coil building technique, building a small-scale prototype; making full-scale sketches of work;
introduction to carving technique; practicing on tiles; implementing similar ideas to the sculptural forms;
Power Point presentation with images of my work and talk about the process, ideas, and influences;
lecture about underglazes; demonstration of underglaze applications on bisque and green-ware; learning the differences;
painting with underglazes on provided bisque tiles and green-ware tiles;
bisque-firing sculptural work (time permitting); glaze-firing underglaze-painted tiles;
using underglazes on finished sculptures (time permitting);
discussion about likes and dislikes, summary of the process; areas to improve upon;
List of supplies and materials participants need to bring:
clay suitable for hand building, without grog, similar to BMix;
basic hand-building tools, carving tools, serrated rib, yellow rubber MudTool rib;
small soft brushes of multiple sizes;
pencil, eraser, paper to do preliminary sketches, scissors, reference material for drawings;
small palette to mix colors, foam at least 12x12 inches to support pieces, plastic bags to cover work during the building process;
small container for water, paper towel;
I will provide:
AMACO Velvet Underglazes for all participants;
2-3 images of choice to use on tiles;
4x4” bisque tiles; and ceramic transfer paper;

List of Previously Conducted Workshops:
2024 Create a Story with Clay and Color, Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft, Columbia, NC
Hand building and Underglaze Decoration, (3 workshops), Taipei, Taiwan
2022 The Magic of Underglaze Colors at Your Fingertips, Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft, (via Zoom)
The Magic of Underglaze Colors at Your Fingertips, Franklin Square Gallery, Southport, NC
2021 The Magic of Underglaze Colors at Your Fingertips, Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft, (via Zoom)
Julia Feld Guest Lecture, Ventura County Potters’ Guild, (via Zoom), Ventura, CA
The Magic of Underglaze Colors at Your Fingertips, (hands-on workshops, STAR-works, Star, NC
Public lecture about my work and artistic development, STAR-works Creative Enterprise, Star, NC
2020 Julia Feld Guest Lecture and Demo, Limerick School of Art and Design, Limeric, Irland (via Zoom, 3h)
2019 Expand Your Color Palette With Underglazes, (2-day, workshop), Beatrice Wood Art Center, Ojai, CA
The Magic of Underglaze Colors at Your Fingertips, (2-day, workshop), Beatrice Wood Art Center, Ojai, CA
The Magic of Underglaze Colors at Your Fingertips, (2-day, workshop), Epperson Gallery, Crockett, CA
2018 Expand Your Color Palette With Underglazes, (hands-on workshop), Clay Hands Studios, Fresno, CA
Sculptural Teapots, (1-day hands-on workshop), Sonoma Community Center, Sonoma, CA
A-Z of Underglaze Painting, (workshop) Clay Carnival, Orchard Valley Ceramics Guild, Cupertino, CA
Expand Your Color Palette With Underglazes I, (hands-on workshop) Redwood High School, Larkspur, CA
Sculptural Teapots, (1-day hands-on workshop), Redwood High School, Larkspur, CA
Expand Your Color Palette With Underglazes II, (hands-on workshop), Redwood High School, Larkspur, CA
2017 A-Z of Underglaze Painting, (workshop) Clay Carnival, Orchard Valley Ceramics Arts Guild, Palo Alto, CA
Making a Teddy Bear: Soft Slab Hand-building Technique, (workshop), Palo Alto Art Center, Palo Alto, CA
2016 Underglaze Painting Demonstration, Palo Alto Art Center, Palo Alto, CA
Sculptural Teapots, (2 day hands-on workshop), Sonoma Community Center, Sonoma, CA
Expand Your Color Palette With Underglazes, (2-days workshop), Sonoma Community Center, Sonoma, CA
2015 Visiting artist workshop (lecture and demonstration), Rossmoor Ceramic Arts Club, Walnut Creek, CA
Expand Your Color Palette With Underglazes, (1-day hands-on workshop), Alpha Fired Arts, Sacramento, CA
2014 Visiting artist (lecture), West Valley Community college, Saratoga, CA
Expand Your Color Palette With Underglazes, (workshop), Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA
2012 Visiting artist (lecture and demonstration), Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA
Visiting artist (workshop, lecture, critiquing students work) Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA